Brain Coordination

Brain Coordination


More than one brain is required. Most animals have two hemispheres available and this could be abstracted for other types of minds as cores or clusters or clouds &c. A purely singular mind might be able to create effective soft internal divisions and to simulate and explore some of these concepts. The reason that more than one is required is because coordination is effectively learning to control the division and a singular mind lacks any such division in theory.


Exercises and techniques can enable enhanced mental functionality and help unlock new talents.


Juggling seemed to be what did the trick for me. Other similar physical skills involving dexterous manipulations should also be effective with sufficient practice.

Musical instruments and talents which use both hands simultaneously in rapid coordination; for example drums, pianos and keyboards, stringed instruments...

Other Possibilities

Entities which lack any concept of  dexterity training or exist more in imaginary realities might try visualizing moving an imaginary construct back and forth between their available brains or cores or similar exercises.

Music artists claim to have produced works which help induce this state.


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