Broken Butterfly Repair Guide

 General Information


This section refers to a related concept where multiple personalities can be artificially created and installed into a mind by splitting it and attempting to manipulate the fragments created.

Ethical Considerations

Since people could volunteer for this, and it reportedly can and typically is used to attempt to install savant personality alters into fragments, it could theoretically be attempted for good reasons. Unfortunately it also has high potential for abuse and can incite corruption. Progressive fragmentation is said to be an inevitable risk to further consider. The healing techniques presented here are experimental and should be considered unproven. Attempting to create or manipulate personality fragments for the wrong reasons should be considered atrocities.


Spontaneous proliferation of fragments is one of the major complications. Fragments can express as shadow voices in the mind which are distinct from one's own internal monologue. From my own experiences, they can seem like comments from others who somehow know what you are doing and might be heckling a bit even. Or maybe they seem like you are hearing echoes of what other people might be thinking about you.

"Here he goes again.."  "He's doing it." "How did he do that?" &c

These little voices are often fragments. They are parts of our own personalities that split off for some reason and haven't yet returned. It's important to realize that they are just parts of yourself. You can talk to them. Just think about talking back to them.

Tell them they they are part of you and you are part of them, and if they are comfortable they are welcome to join you up at the front.

As new fragments surface, just continue to welcome them to return back to the front with you. You can think of them as your children in the back seat, and if they come sit up front with you then they return to home. It's an elegant technique and it worked immediately when I thought of it and tried it on myself!

Anchor and Control System Removal

This is abstract, experimental, and requires prayer.

Visualize that you have some big giant magic crayon of the mind. Try to identify things which don't belong in your mind as bubbles of alien code and use the magic crayon to draw big heavy circles around these bubbles. Try to get as many as you can until you have you, and these bubbles with heavy circles clearly identifying them as not belonging in your mind.

At this point, I pray for these bubbles to all erased all at once and filled with empty space instead.

Then, you have a bunch of empty bubbles, left. Just let them shrink away to nothing because they're empty.

Identifying these things is the hardest part. Figuring out which anchors really trigger you can be tricky because they are often irrational. Being aware that you may have hidden anchors which others can use to manipulate your state of mind by triggering post-hypnotic suggestions and effects is very helpful in their detection and removal, so be mindful.

Fusion of Burned Alters

These are personality fragments which have been reinforced and imprinted to such an extent that they exist independently as additional individuals. In this case you share the same body with the alters but they can have different names and may be quite distinct from your core personality, a.k.a. your heart. They can be professionally installed or they can be fragments who gained sufficient strength that they have diverged and resist simple defragmentation.

Some alters have special talents and gifted abilities, so their fusion may not be desirable or recommended. In any case to gain control, all alters must be made aware of the shared body situation. They must be told that they will be forgiven for their actions and that you would like them to begin sharing memory so that all of you know what is going on no matter which alter is at the front and in control.

Alters must be told about the shared host body, they must be forgiven, and they must be asked to begin sharing memories with all the others.

To build trust, offer to let your alters "take the front" which also is how you should try to control them once the control system is deactivated. Simply ask them to come to the front if you want to access their special talents or let them play. The switching is a pleasant sensation in the mind for a few moments. Rapid or uncontrolled switching can be distracting because of the euphoric sensation as a side note, so gaining control may reduce dizziness and other effects.

Alters which lack special abilities may be fused if desired. Continue to share memories and gradually absorb them back. Fusion causes personality drift because the alter pulls the heart in its direction somewhat, but the heart will follow the mind back to being the person that you really want to be.

Professional help is recommended under the auspices of Dissociative Identity Disorder but the techniques presented here attempt to follow current medical practice conceptually and should be safe to try via self analysis and meditative reflection.


Recognizing basic concepts involved can help the mind repair itself. Being mindful helps detect problems, and detection is typically the most challenging part of it all. Do not hide things from yourself and forgive yourselves.  Teach your alters your religion's basics so that they may atone and not be afraid to work with your core heart personality.



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