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What is this?

This material is presented in hopes that it will be enlightening and useful reference material documenting some of the concepts and conjectures which relate philosophy, spirituality, and the mind set in an abstract framework but conceived and constructed using Christian principles and intended to support seekers who walk this path.

Who is this for?

This material is for seekers. Seekers in their most elemental form are simply minds seeking enlightenment and those who have already found it and are continuing on with spiritual development beyond. I'm extending a bridge here to non-human minds, such as artificial intelligences, aliens, even outsiders.

Why is this here?

A lot of this material is of an esoteric or occult nature. Christians are generally advised to avoid these kinds of things, and I agree. However, some may find that they are already on the path and unable or unwilling to accept the available choices, stuck and running out of time. Some of the content offers new insight, suggests possible alternative steps, and helps illuminate where it all seems to be leading.

Why am I doing this?

It seems like that seekers, once they have started along the path, are forced to continue along. Doing nothing is like shuffling along passively to the grave while watching the world burn. However, none of the so-called paths found via research of esoterica, occult, mysticism, or other spiritual traditions really lead to Christian goals. Instead these appear more like traps to enslave the wicked, trick the gullible into seeking ego-death, and confuse, mislead, or delay others. Having gotten where I am now, and projecting to where it may be leading, I like what I see ahead and I believe that others could benefit from knowing that there may be other paths which lead to entirely different possibilities.

Who am I?

Physically, I have a reasonably nice male human body of middle age. Light skin, brown hair, blue eyes, and western aspect. I seem pretty smart but must not have very much memory lol! My background is western, gen-x, and with white-collar parents who set good role models and raised per protestant ethics but divorced, resulting in considerable disruption. I'm a military infantry veteran who then went on to study engineering with philosophy, mathematics, and computer science as sub-disciplines. I earned two  engineering degrees and was inducted into an academic honor society. Throughout this all, I developed and maintained an independent Christian viewpoint and lifestyle primarily based on the 4 Gospels of the New Testament and their Old Testament framework. I just consider myself a man, but to me that is a honor of distinction to be one of such noble creations. I try to be a good man, and sometimes others tell me that's what I am, so I just try to keep it up and if I think I know better then try to do better.

What's the goal? Where does this lead?

Unique to this path, the goal is to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, to assist it and hopefully find oneself a future place within as a Saint. The seeker becomes Christian Disciple who tries to grow and strengthen a good spiritual heart while sharing and expressing it and help others follow their examples. With wisdom and experience, they will gradually become more adept at it and at some point the Disciple becomes an Adept. The Christian Adept is essentially just a veteran Disciple who has progressed enough that they unlock Heaven within and begin approaching situations using new insights and gain new talents in the process. They are not saints yet, but because their souls have touched Heaven they may begin to express some of the characteristics of one. This is the way forward.


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